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Principal's Message

Johnny Bollin
Brooklyn School Principal


PK-7 Principal Johnny Bollin


Mr. Johnny Bollin
Brooklyn School Pk-7

Dear Brooklyn School Community,

On behalf of the teachers and staff at Brooklyn School, we hope you had a fun summer and look forward with great anticipation, enthusiasm, and optimism to the upcoming school year. At Brooklyn School, our hope is that all students will become amazing CANES that are Caring and safe, A Team player, Nice, Responsible, and Respectful to everyone, and lastly, Super for our School!

During the first quarter of the 2024-25 school year, students will be walking into greatness on a journey that will take them throughout their entire experience at Brooklyn School. The first quarter of the 2024-2025 School Year is the beginning of that journey, and the Brooklyn School staff is excited for the opportunity to help them learn, grow, and achieve!

At Brooklyn School, we greatly value the support and partnership of our parents and families. Ensuring regular student attendance is paramount and is the key to student success. We encourage you to begin to establish consistent routines such as bedtimes, breakfast, and drop off procedures to help ensure a strong start to the new school year. Please review the following upcoming dates and important school information listed below.

Wishing our entire Brooklyn School community, a great 2024-25 school year!

Mr. Johnny Bollin
Brooklyn School


Start & End Times

Grades 5-12: 8:00 a.m. - 3:05 p.m.

Grades K-4: 8:30 a.m. - 3:05 p.m.

Communication with Brooklyn School

Brooklyn School will utilize the following communication tools below to keep parents and families informed on the latest news, updates, and accomplishments.

  • Remind 101
  • Hurricane Weekly Newsletter
  • Twitter: Brooklyn City School District, @brooklynschools
  • Email