Brooklyn School
9200 Biddulph Road
Brooklyn, OH 44144
Attendance: (216) 485-8171
Main Office: (216) 485-8176
Fax: (216) 485-8130
Principal: Mr. Johnny Bollin
Assistant Principal: Mr. Marcello DeAngelis
Counselor K-3: Mrs. Denise Smith
Counselor 4-7: Ms. Karen Gallagher
Brooklyn School News
View article for important information regarding the Open Enrollment application process.
Weekly presentations by parents help students learn about the diverse cultures represented in their classrooms.
Students made holiday crafts, enjoyed festive treats, and played games with residents.
Eighty-eight families and one-hundred-ninety-two students in the community were supported.
Brooklyn School students enjoyed holiday themed activities courtesy of BHS Hurricettes and Brooklyn Music Boosters.
Congratulations to Florin Socol, Erin Sharp, Isabella Lottig, Danny Pham, and Jayden Schultz.