Brooklyn School
9200 Biddulph Road
Brooklyn, OH 44144
Attendance: (216) 485-8171
Main Office: (216) 485-8176
Fax: (216) 485-8130
Principal: Mr. Johnny Bollin
Assistant Principal: Mr. Marcello DeAngelis
Counselor K-3: Mrs. Denise Smith
Counselor 4-7: Ms. Karen Gallagher
Brooklyn School News
View article for important information regarding the Open Enrollment application process.
Nominated by STEM teachers for her strong academic achievement in the areas of mathematics and science.
Good luck to the Brooklyn bowling team as they look for a strong finish to the season while proudly representing Hurricane nation!
Students participated in annual parade featuring clothing, music, and flags representing countries across the globe.
Songwriter and speaker from Uganda delivered an inspiring message to school community.
Weekly presentations by parents help students learn about the diverse cultures represented in their classrooms.